Source code for runana.analyse

from collections import deque
from math import isnan
from functools import partial
from os import path

from runana.read_numbers import ignored
from import cwd, get_subdirs
from runana.input_file_handling import read_input_files_f90nml, string_or_iterable, superset

def collecting_loop_recursive(dir_, read_func,
    """Collect information from runs.

    Recursively locate directories under `dir_` containing any of the
    files in `look_for_these`, but leaves out directories that contain
    any files in `ignore_these`. In each of the located directories the
    function `read_func` is run with no arguments (the working directory
    is temporarily changed to the located directory).

    subdirs = get_subdirs(dir_)
    for subdir in subdirs or []:
        asubdir = path.join(dir_, subdir)
        if not any(path.exists(path.join(asubdir, fname)) for fname in ignore_these):
            if any(path.exists(path.join(asubdir, fname)) for fname in look_for_these):
                with cwd(asubdir):
                    value = read_func()
                yield (subdir, ), value
                for dirs, vals in collecting_loop_recursive(path.join(dir_, subdir),
                    yield (subdir, )+dirs, vals

[docs]def read_input_files(workdir, indices=[], read_func=read_input_files_f90nml): """ Read information from input files. Recursively searches through all subdirectories of `workdir`. `read_func` is run in any directory containing a file named 'hostname.txt', and the result is stored in a :class:`ParamDict`, with the path in tuple-form as key. This :class:`ParamDict` is returned. If `indices` is given as a non-empty list, the indices in this argument will be used instead of recursive search Subdirectories of a directory with a 'hostname.txt' file are not searched. """ paramdict = ParamDict() if indices: paramdict.from_list_of_indices(workdir, indices, read_func=read_func) else:, read_func=read_func) return paramdict
[docs]class ParamDict(dict): """ Dictionary that holds dictionaries of parameters """ def read(self, workdir, read_func=read_input_files_f90nml): for index, result in collecting_loop_recursive(workdir, read_func): self[index] = result def from_list_of_indices(self, workdir, indices, read_func=read_input_files_f90nml): for index in indices: with cwd(path.join(workdir, *index)): self[index] = read_func()
[docs] def diff(self): """ Call :func:`dictdiff` on `ParamDict` object """ dictdiff(self)
[docs] def unpack_list_values(self): """ Takes any numerical parameter value in `ParamDict` object that is a list and packs it into individual slots with name numparam_name + idx Works in-place """ for param_dict in self.values(): spread_out_lists(param_dict)
def spread_out_lists(dict_): newdict = {} delete_keys = [] for key, val in dict_.items(): if isinstance(val, list): delete_keys += [key] for idx, elem in enumerate(val): if isinstance(key, tuple): newkey = (key[0], str(key[1])+'_'+str(idx+1)) else: newkey = str(key)+'_'+str(idx+1) newdict[newkey] = elem dict_.update(newdict) for key in delete_keys: del dict_[key]
[docs]def make_collector_function(workdir, read_func, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a function that runs `read_func(*args,**kwargs)` in the directory that is the join of `workdir` and the argument to the function """ return read_from_dir(roll_in_args(read_func, *args, **kwargs), workdir)
# @ignored(TypeError) def collect(dir_, read_func): """ Switches to `dir_` and runs `read_func`""" with cwd(dir_): return read_func() def roll_in_args(read_func, *args, **kwargs): read_func_no_args = partial(read_func, *args, **kwargs) read_func_subdir = partial(collect, read_func=read_func_no_args) return read_func_subdir def compose2(f__, g__): def fg_(*a, **kw): return f__(g__(*a, **kw)) return fg_ @ignored(TypeError) def join_dirs(subdirs, workdir): dir_ = path.join(workdir, *tuple(string_or_iterable(subdirs))) return dir_
[docs]def prepend_dir(workdir): """ Returns a function that takes a tuple of directories and returns the combination of those into a path, with `workdir` prepended """ return partial(join_dirs, workdir=workdir)
[docs]def read_from_dir(read_func, workdir): """ Composes `read_func` with :func:`prepend_dir(workdir)<prepend_dir>` """ return compose2(read_func, prepend_dir(workdir))
[docs]class Seqs(dict): """ Seqeunces of related runs :param dict param_dicts: Dictionary containing dictionaries of parameters, in the form returned from e.g. :func:`collect_from_all` """ def __init__(self, param_dicts, *args, **kwargs): super(Seqs, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) keys = deque(param_dicts.keys()) for index in list(keys): del keys[0] for key, indices in get_indices_dict(index, param_dicts, keys).items(): seqs_list = self.get(key, []) if all(not indices_sub(param_dicts, indices.values(), indices_seqs.values()) for indices_seqs in seqs_list): self[key] = seqs_list + [indices] def iterator(self): for key in self: for indx, seq_list in enumerate(self[key]): yield key, indx, seq_list
[docs]class ChangedParams(dict): """ Parameters that changed. Derived from dict :param dict param_dicts: Dictionary containing dictionaries of parameters, in the form returned from e.g. :func:`collect_from_all` """ def __init__(self, param_dicts, *args, **kwargs): super(ChangedParams, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) ignore = [] keys = list(param_dicts.keys()) for idx in list(keys): del keys[0] for idx_compare in keys: diffs = find_diff_elements(param_dicts[idx], param_dicts[idx_compare]) if len(diffs) == 0: ignore.append(idx_compare) elif idx_compare not in ignore and idx not in ignore: self[(idx, idx_compare)] = diffs
[docs] def groupby_varname(self): """ Groups elements according to the name of the variable. Returns a dictionary containing the values of the variables, and another with all the pairs of runs""" varvalues = {} pairs = {} for dirs, varnameval in self.items(): # varnames = frozenset(varnameval.keys()) varnames = tuple(varnameval.keys()) varvals = varnameval.values() value = dict(zip(dirs, zip(*varvals))) sdirs = set(dirs) pairs.setdefault(varnames, []).append(sdirs) varvalues.setdefault(varnames, {}).update(value) return varvalues, pairs
def groupby_params(dict_w_params, params): """ Groups `dict_w_params` according the given set of parameters. This can be used to e.g. seperate physical from numerical parameters. """ grouped_dict = {} for key, item in dict_w_params.items(): item_copy = item.copy() index_dict = {} for param in params: if param in item_copy: index_dict[param] = item_copy[param] del item_copy[param] index_tuple = tuple((key, index_dict[key]) for key in sorted(index_dict)) grouped_dict.setdefault(index_tuple, {}).update({key: item_copy}) return grouped_dict def remove_nested_dict_keys(dict_w_params, remove_keys=[]): for dict_ in dict_w_params.values(): for key in remove_keys: if key in dict_: del dict_[key] def select_by_key_len(connected, length=1): return dict((key, list_) for key, list_ in connected.items() if len(key) == length) def find_connected_components(pairs): connected = {} for key, value in pairs.items(): connected[key] = conso(value) return connected type_ignore_isnan = ignored(TypeError)(isnan) def find_diff_elements(dict1, dict2): diffs = {} for key, value1 in dict1.items(): if key in dict2: value2 = dict2[key] if value1 != value2 and not type_ignore_isnan(value1) and not type_ignore_isnan(value2): diffs[key] = (value1, value2) else: diffs[key] = (value1, None) return diffs def catch_list_values(value): try: hash(value) except TypeError: value = tuple(value) return value def get_indices_dict(idx, param_dicts, keys): indices_dict = {} for idx_compare in keys: for key, val, val_compare in get_index_for_all_but_one_changed(param_dicts[idx], param_dicts[idx_compare]): # if key not in indices_dict: # indices_dict[key] = catch_list_values(val, idx) # indices_dict[key].update(catch_list_values(val_compare, idx_compare)) indices_dict.setdefault(key, {catch_list_values(val): idx}).update({catch_list_values(val_compare): idx_compare}) return indices_dict def get_index_for_all_but_one_changed(nl1, nl2): for key, value in nl1.items(): with ignored(KeyError): value2 = nl2[key] if value != value2: if dict_eq_ignore(nl1, nl2, [key]): yield key, value, value2 def dict_eq_ignore(dict1, dict2, ignore_keys=()): dict1_flat = copy_w_ignore_keys(dict1, ignore_keys) dict2_flat = copy_w_ignore_keys(dict2, ignore_keys) return dict1_flat == dict2_flat def copy_w_ignore_keys(dict_, ignore_keys=()): return dict((key, value) for key, value in dict_.items() if key not in ignore_keys) def indices_sub(dicts, indices1, indices2): dict_list1 = list(dicts[indx] for indx in indices1) dict_list2 = list(dicts[indx] for indx in indices2) return issubset(dict_list2, dict_list1) def issubset(list1, list2): """ Checks if list1 is subset of list2 """ list3 = [] for elem in list2: if elem in list1: list3.append(elem) return list2 == list3 # This function was inspired by nmltab
[docs]def dictdiff(alldicts): """ In-place removes all key:value pairs that are shared across all dicts :param dict alldicts: a dictionary containing dictionaries""" superdict = superset(alldicts) for key in superdict: all_dicts_have_key = all((key in dict_) for dict_ in alldicts.values()) if all_dicts_have_key: value_is_same = all((superdict[key] == dict_[key]) for dict_ in alldicts.values()) if value_is_same: for dict_ in alldicts.values(): del dict_[key]
# From: def consolidate(sets): setlist = [s for s in sets if s] for i, s1 in enumerate(setlist): if s1: for s2 in setlist[i+1:]: intersection = s1.intersection(s2) if intersection: s2.update(s1) s1.clear() s1 = s2 return [s for s in setlist if s] # From: def conso(s): if len(s) < 2: return s r, b = [s[0]], conso(s[1:]) for x in b: if r[0].intersection(x): r[0].update(x) else: r.append(x) return r
[docs]def groupby_n_var_params(dict_w_params, n_var_params=1): """ Convenience function for finding sets of data for which `n_var_params` parameters are changing """ dict_w_params = dict_w_params.copy() dictdiff(dict_w_params) changedsparams = ChangedParams(dict_w_params) varvals, pairs = changedsparams.groupby_varname() connected = find_connected_components(pairs) nseqs = select_by_key_len(connected, length=n_var_params) return nseqs, varvals