Source code for runana.input_file_handling

from shutil import copy

    basestring          # Python 2.x
except NameError:
    basestring = str    # Python 3.x

[docs]def filter_inp_file_f90nml(inp_file_in, inp_file_out, replace_with_these): """ Replaces elements in *inp_file_in* and places the result in *inp_file_out* replace_with_these is a dict with entries of the form {'Name of parameter':*value to replace with*} This version works on namelist files using the f90nml package """ import f90nml patch = patch_from_tupled_dict(replace_with_these) if patch: f90nml.patch(inp_file_in, patch, inp_file_out) else: copy(inp_file_in, inp_file_out)
def patch_from_tupled_dict(tupled_dict): """ Creates a nested dictionary that f90nml can interpret as a patch.""" patch = {} for replace_this, replace_val in tupled_dict.items(): group, field = replace_this group, field = group.lower(), field.lower() gdict = patch.get(group, {}) gdict.update({field: replace_val}) patch[group] = gdict return patch
[docs]def filter_inp_file_upname(inp_file_in, inp_file_out, replace_with_these): """ Replaces elements in *inp_file_in* and places the result in *inp_file_out* replace_with_these is a dict with entries of the form {'Name of parameter':*value to replace with*} This version replaces entries that is one line below a string matching *Name of parameter*, in the same position as the string """ with open(inp_file_in, 'r') as input_file_in: input_data = input_file_in.readlines() replace_pos = dict(find_upname_positions(input_data, replace_with_these)) output_data = '\n'.join(replace_lines(input_data, replace_pos)) with open(inp_file_out, 'w') as input_file_out: input_file_out.write(output_data)
def find_upname_positions(input_data, replace_w_these): """ Finds the positions at which to do replacements. """ for iline, line in enumerate(input_data): for replace_this, with_this in replace_w_these.items(): for iword, word in enumerate(line.split()): if replace_this == word: yield (iline+1, iword), with_this def filter_inp_file_positional(inp_file_in, inp_file_out, replace_with_these): """ Replaces elements in *inp_file_in* and places the result in *inp_file_out* replace_with_these is a dict with entries of the form {(line number,field number):*value to replace with*} """ with open(inp_file_in, 'r') as input_file_in: input_data = input_file_in.readlines() output_data = '\n'.join(replace_lines(input_data, replace_with_these)) with open(inp_file_out, 'w') as input_file_out: input_file_out.write(output_data) def replace_lines(input_data, replace_w_these): for iline, line in enumerate(input_data): lin = line.split() for (iline_rep, ifield_rep), replace_w_this in replace_w_these.items(): if iline == iline_rep: lin[ifield_rep] = str(replace_w_this) yield ' '.join(lin) #: Available input file filter functions INP_FILE_FILTERS = {'f90nml': filter_inp_file_f90nml, 'upname': filter_inp_file_upname, 'positional': filter_inp_file_positional}
[docs]def read_positional_file(filename): """ Reads input file A dictionary is returned, the keys of which are the tuples `(iline,iword)` with the line and word index of the value. Each variable/name should be seperated by at least two whitespaces, a comma or a tab. """ with open(filename, 'r') as input_file_in: input_data = input_file_in.readlines() return dict(index_line_words(input_data))
def index_line_words(input_list): for iline, line in enumerate(input_list): line = line.replace(',', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').split(' ') for iword, word in enumerate(line): yield (iline, iword), word
[docs]def read_upname_file(filename): """ Reads file in upname format In this format the names of variables are given on a line, with the values on the following line. Each variable/name should be seperated by at least two whitespaces or a tab. Each set of names/values lines should be seperated by at least one blank line """ with open(filename, 'r') as input_file_in: input_data = input_file_in.readlines() previous_line = [] data = {} for line in input_data: # Break line on tab or more than two consequtive whitespaces line = line.rstrip().replace(',', ' ').replace('\t', ' ').split(' ') line = [num_str(elem.strip()) for elem in line if elem] data.update(dict(zip(previous_line, line))) previous_line = line return data
def read_and_flatten_namelist(filename): import f90nml namelist = dict_ = dict(flat_iterator(namelist)) return dict_
[docs]def read_input_files_f90nml(patterns=['*.nml'], read_one_file=read_and_flatten_namelist): """ Read the all files matching `patterns` with :func:`` The namelists are flattened and supersetted, the resulting dict is returned """ from itertools import chain import glob filenames = list(chain(*(glob.glob(pattern) for pattern in string_or_iterable(patterns)))) return read_list_of_input_files(filenames, read_one_file=read_one_file)
# dicts = dict((filename, read_one_file(filename)) # for filename in filenames) # return superset_collisions(dicts) def read_list_of_input_files(filenames, read_one_file=read_and_flatten_namelist): """ Read the all files in list `filenames` with :func:`` The namelists are flattened and supersetted, the resulting dict is returned """ dicts = dict((filename, read_one_file(filename)) for filename in filenames) return superset_collisions(dicts)
[docs]def read_input_files_upname(patterns=['*.inp']): """ Read the all files matching `patterns` with :func:`read_upname_file` The data from all the files is supersetted and the resulting dict is returned """ return read_input_files_f90nml(patterns=patterns, read_one_file=read_upname_file)
[docs]def read_input_files_positional(patterns=['*.inp']): """ Read the all files matching `patterns` with :func:`read_positional_file` The data from all the files is supersetted and the resulting dict is returned """ return read_input_files_f90nml(patterns=patterns, read_one_file=read_positional_file)
def flat_iterator(nml): """Iterator that returns the adress of an element as a 2-tuple, along with the element """ for key, value in nml.items(): for inner_key, inner_value in value.items(): yield (key, inner_key), inner_value def string_or_iterable(args): """ Generator that assumes args is either a string or an iterable. """ if isinstance(args, basestring): yield args else: for arg in args: yield arg # This function was inspired by nmltab def superset(alldicts): """ Returns dict containing all keys from the dicts contained in `alldicts` :param dict alldicts: a dictionary containing dictionaries""" superdict = {} for dict_ in alldicts.values(): superdict.update(dict_) return superdict def superset_collisions(alldicts): """ Returns dict containing all keys from the dicts contained in `alldicts` :param dict alldicts: a dictionary containing dictionaries If two dictionaries contains the same key, the keys will be appended with the difference of the file names. """ superdict = {} filenames = list(alldicts.keys()) filediff_dict = dict(zip(filenames, extract_noncommon_substrings(filenames))) for key, dict_ in alldicts.items(): for innerkey, value in dict_.items(): if innerkey in superdict and value != superdict[innerkey]: try: innerkey += filediff_dict[key] except TypeError: try: # innerkey += (filediff_dict[key],) innerkey = (innerkey[0], str(innerkey[1]) + filediff_dict[key]) except TypeError: innerkey = str(innerkey) + filediff_dict[key] superdict[innerkey] = value return superdict def num_str(s): """ Tries to convert input to integer, then tries float, then complex. If all these fails the string is returned unchanged""" try: return int(s) except ValueError: try: return float(s) except ValueError: try: return complex(s) except ValueError: return s def extract_common_substrings(strings): """ Returns all substrings that are common between the strings in the list `strings` as a single string. """ common = strings[0] for string in strings: common = ''.join(ndiff_select(string, common)) return common def extract_noncommon_substrings(strings, common=None): """ Returns a list with parts of strings that are different. `common` is a string of all the common parts of `strings`, such as e.g. returned from func:`extract_common_substrings`. If set set to `None`, func:`extract_common_substrings` will be called to set this variable """ if common is None: common = extract_common_substrings(strings) noncommon = [''.join(ndiff_select(string, common, '-')) for string in strings] return noncommon def ndiff_select(string, common, selector=' '): from difflib import ndiff for s in ndiff(string, common): if s[0] == selector: yield '{}'.format(s[-1])