Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

from sys import stdout
from os import path, getcwd, listdir, chdir, makedirs, remove
from subprocess import call
from io import FileIO
from glob import glob
from functools import wraps
from contextlib import contextmanager
from runana import input_file_handling
from operator import add, mul
from runana.read_numbers import ignored

    from operator import div
except ImportError:
    from operator import truediv as div

    basestring          # Python 2.x
except NameError:
    basestring = str    # Python 3.x

OPERATIONS = {'add': add, 'mul': mul, 'div': div}

def cwd(path):
    """ Contextmanager that changes working directory temporarily """
    oldpwd = getcwd()

[docs]def generate_seq(start, incr, nvalues=0, incr_func=add): """Iterator that returns a sequence of numbers :param incr_func: function used to increment the return value. Can be one of the strings 'add', 'mul' or 'div' :type incr_func: func or str """ if isinstance(incr_func, basestring): incr_func = OPERATIONS[incr_func] value = start yield value for i in range(1, nvalues): value = incr_func(value, incr) yield value
[docs]def generate_list(*args, **kwargs): """Wrap of generate_seq that returns a list instead of an iterator""" return list(generate_seq(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]class Dirs(object): """Container class for names of directories :param str scratch_base: Directory prefix :param str local_scratch_base: Prefix for directory in which programs are run. If `None` then `scratch_base` is used :param list copy_2_scratch: List of strings that are globbed and copied from the local scratch directory to scratch directory """ def __init__(self, scratch_base, local_scratch_base=None, copy_2_scratch=['*.txt', '*.nml', '*.stdout', '*.dat']): if local_scratch_base is None: local_scratch_base = scratch_base self.scratch_base = scratch_base self.local_scratch_base = local_scratch_base self.copy_2_scratch = copy_2_scratch makedir(self.scratch_base)
def makedir(dir_): if not path.exists(dir_): makedirs(dir_) class OpenWithNone(FileIO): def __init__(self, file_string, *args, **kwargs): self.file_string = file_string if file_string: super(OpenWithNone, self).__init__(file_string, *args, **kwargs) def __enter__(self): handle = None if self.file_string: handle = super(OpenWithNone, self).__enter__() self.fd = handle return self.fd def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.fd: super(OpenWithNone, self).__exit__() def replace_string_in_file(fileName, text_to_search, text_to_replace): with open(fileName, 'r') as file_handle: filedata = filedata = filedata.replace(text_to_search, text_to_replace) with open(fileName, 'w') as file_handle: file_handle.write(filedata) def run_program(program, cmdargs, stdin_f, stdout_f, stderr_f, run=True, cmd_prepend="", run_from_cmd=True, **kwargs): """Runs `program` with `cmdargs` using ``. :param str stdin_f: File from which to take standard input :param str stdout_f: File in which to put standard output :param str stderr_f: File in which to put standard error :param bool run: Whether to actually run `program` If `True` the program return code is returned. If false a string pointing to the script which will run the program is returned :param str cmd_prepend: Put in the beginning of the bash script :param bool run_from_cmd: Run `program` using the generated bash script instead of running it directly """ time_file_name = '.'.join(stdout_f.split('.')[:-1])+'.time' cmd_file_name = '.'.join(stdout_f.split('.')[:-1])+'.sh' with open(cmd_file_name, 'w') as cmd_file: cmd = ' '.join([program]+cmdargs) time_cmd = "/usr/bin/time -o {time_file}".format(time_file=time_file_name) cmd = "{time_cmd} {cmd} 1> {stdout} 2> {stderr} \n".format(time_cmd=time_cmd, cmd=cmd, stdout=stdout_f, stderr=stderr_f) cmd = cmd_prepend + cmd cmd_file.write(cmd) if run: with OpenWithNone(stdin_f, 'r') as input_file, open(stdout_f, 'w') as stdout_file, open(stderr_f, 'w') as stderr_file: if run_from_cmd: retcode = call(["bash", cmd_file_name], **kwargs) else: try: with open(time_file_name, 'w') as time_file: with print_time(time_file): retcode = call([program]+cmdargs, stdin=input_file, stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file, **kwargs) except Exception as e: print(e) print('program ', program) print('cmdargs', cmdargs) print('stdin ', stdin_f) print('stdout ', stdout_f) print('stderr ', stderr_f) # print 'kwargs ', kwargs print(getcwd()) raise replace_string_in_file(stdout_f, '\r', '\n') return retcode else: return cmd_file_name from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from time import sleep # from time import time # from os import fsync def run_program_print_output(program, cmdargs, stdin_f, stdout_f, stderr_f, print_output=False, **kwargs): with OpenWithNone(stdin_f, 'r') as input_file: with open(stdout_f, 'w', buffering=0) as stdout_file: with open(stderr_f, 'w', buffering=0) as stderr_file: try: with open(stdout_f+'.sh', 'w') as cmd_file: cmd_file.write(' '.join([program]+cmdargs)) if print_output: # start_time = time() process = Popen([program]+cmdargs, stdin=input_file, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=0, **kwargs) # print(time()-start_time) # print('Right after process call') while True: stdout = process.stdout.readline() stderr = process.stderr.readline() if stdout == '' and stderr == '' and process.poll() is not None: break if stdout: # print(time()-start_time) print(stdout, end='') stdout_file.write(stdout) # stdout_file.flush() # fsync(stdout_file.fileno()) if stderr: print(stderr, end='') stderr_file.write(stderr) sleep(0.1) else: call([program]+cmdargs, stdin=input_file, stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file, bufsize=0, **kwargs) except Exception as e: print(e) print('program ', program) print('cmdargs', cmdargs) print('stdin ', stdin_f) print('stdout ', stdout_f) print('stderr ', stderr_f) # print 'kwargs ', kwargs print(getcwd()) raise replace_string_in_file(stdout_f, '\r', '\n') def name_stdout(program, add=''): if isinstance(program, basestring): prog = program else: prog = program[0] stdouts = prog.split('/')[-1] # stdouts = stdouts.split('.')[0].split('_')[0]+add+'.std' stdouts = stdouts+add+'.std' return stdouts+'out', stdouts+'err' def run_prog(program, cmdargs=[], stdin_f=None, add='', **kwargs): # run_program_print_output(program, cmdargs, stdin_f, return run_program(program, cmdargs, stdin_f, *name_stdout(program, add), **kwargs) def copy_ignore_same(from_file, to_file): from shutil import copy, Error try: copy(from_file, to_file) except Error as err: with open('shutil.err', 'a') as f1: f1.write(str(err)+'\n') except IOError: pass def copy_to_scratch(WorkDir, file_strings): files = [] for file_string in file_strings: files = files+glob(file_string) for fil in files: copy_ignore_same(fil, WorkDir) @ignored(OSError) def get_subdirs(a_dir='./'): return [name for name in listdir(a_dir) if path.isdir(path.join(a_dir, name))] def generate_run_ID(work_dir, invalid_IDs=[], prepend=""): subdirs = get_subdirs(work_dir) ID = 1 while True: strID = str(ID) if prepend: strID = prepend + strID if strID in subdirs or strID in invalid_IDs: ID = ID+1 else: return strID def make_run_dirs(ScratchBase, LScratchBase, **gen_ID_kwargs): ID = generate_run_ID(ScratchBase, **gen_ID_kwargs) work_dir = path.join(ScratchBase, ID) lwork_dir = path.join(LScratchBase, ID) makedir(work_dir) makedir(lwork_dir) return ID, work_dir, lwork_dir def lock_wrap_retry(Dir, nretries=10, wait=0.1): def decorate(f): @wraps(f) def call(*args, **kwargs): import fcntl, time pid_file = path.join(Dir, '') with open(pid_file, 'w') as lock_fp: for attempt in range(nretries): try: fcntl.lockf(lock_fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: import random print('Waiting for lock on', Dir, attempt) time.sleep(wait+0.05*random.random()) continue break else: print('Failed to get ID generation lock') try: ret = f(*args, **kwargs) fcntl.lockf(lock_fp, fcntl.LOCK_UN) finally: fcntl.lockf(lock_fp, fcntl.LOCK_UN) return ret return call return decorate def save_info_in_file(filename, command, copy_back=None): with open(filename, 'w') as output_file: call(command, stdout=output_file) if copy_back: copy_ignore_same(filename, copy_back) def calc_all(replacements, dirs, inp_file, programs, print_finish=True, filter_func='f90nml', use_stdin=False, use_inp_file=True, **gen_ID_kwargs): base_dir = dirs.scratch_base dirID, work_dir, lwork_dir = lock_wrap_retry(base_dir, nretries=10, wait=0.1)( make_run_dirs)(base_dir, dirs.local_scratch_base, **gen_ID_kwargs) inp_file_local = path.join(work_dir, path.basename(inp_file)) input_file_handling.INP_FILE_FILTERS[filter_func](inp_file, inp_file_local, replacements) with cwd(lwork_dir): save_info_in_file('hostname.txt', 'hostname', work_dir) save_info_in_file('started.txt', 'date', work_dir) inp_file_relative = path.relpath(inp_file_local, lwork_dir) run_core(programs, inp_file_relative, use_stdin=use_stdin, use_inp_file=use_inp_file) copy_to_scratch(work_dir, dirs.copy_2_scratch) save_info_in_file('ended.txt', 'date', work_dir) if print_finish: print('Finished', dict((is_it_tuple(key),elem) for key,elem in replacements.items())) return dirID def is_it_tuple(it): if isinstance(it, tuple): return it[1] else: return it @contextmanager def NamedTempFile(name, mode="w", **kwargs): """Contextmanager for creating a named temporary file """ try: with open(name, mode=mode, **kwargs) as f: yield f finally: with ignored(FileNotFoundError): remove(name)
[docs]def run_core(programs, inp_file_relative, use_stdin=False, use_inp_file=True, add_temp_ignore_file=True): if add_temp_ignore_file: with NamedTempFile("ignore"): run_core_inner(programs, inp_file_relative, use_stdin, use_inp_file) else: run_core_inner(programs, inp_file_relative, use_stdin, use_inp_file)
def run_core_inner(programs, inp_file_relative, use_stdin=False, use_inp_file=True): for program in programs: if hasattr(program, '__call__'): if use_inp_file: program(inp_file_relative) else: program() else: if use_inp_file: if use_stdin: run_prog(program, [], stdin_f=inp_file_relative) else: run_prog(program, [inp_file_relative]) else: run_prog(program) def add_to_fname(fname, add=''): fname_list = fname.split('.') fname_list[-2] = fname_list[-2]+add return '.'.join(fname_list) def rerun(replacements, lworkdir, inp_file, programs, filter_func='f90nml'): inp_file_replace = add_to_fname(inp_file, '_rerun') with cwd(lworkdir): input_file_handling.INP_FILE_FILTERS[filter_func](inp_file, inp_file_replace, replacements) save_info_in_file('re_hostname.txt', 'hostname') save_info_in_file('restarted.txt', 'date') run_core(programs, inp_file_replace, lworkdir) save_info_in_file('re_ended.txt', 'date') def merge_dicts(x, y): z = x.copy() z.update(y) return z def product_replacements(product_iters): from itertools import product for value_set in product(*product_iters.values()): yield dict(zip(product_iters.keys(), value_set)) def co_replacements(co_iters): if len(co_iters) >= 1: for vector in zip(*co_iters.values()): yield dict(zip(co_iters.keys(), vector)) else: yield {} def chain_replacements(chain_iters): if len(chain_iters) >= 1: for key, chain_iter in chain_iters.items(): for value in chain_iter: yield {key: value} else: yield {} def replace_iter_gen(product_iters={}, chain_iters={}, co_iters={}, just_replace={}): for prod_iter in product_replacements(product_iters): for chain_iter in chain_replacements(chain_iters): for co_iter in co_replacements(co_iters): yield merge_dicts(merge_dicts(merge_dicts(just_replace, prod_iter), chain_iter), co_iter) def check_dirs(dirs): if not isinstance(dirs, Dirs): dirs = Dirs(dirs) return dirs from functools import partial def pick_filter_func(filter_func, calc_all): return partial(calc_all,filter_func=filter_func)
[docs]def execute(programs, input_file, dirs, chain_iters={}, product_iters={}, co_iters={}, just_replace={}, filter_func='f90nml', use_stdin=False, calc_all=calc_all, **kwargs): """Run sequence of programs with different parameters defined by iters. :param list programs: List of strings with names of programs. Should contain absolute paths. Could alternately contain functions :param str input_file: Input file :param dirs: Base directory in which programs will be run :type dirs: str or :param dict chain_iters: Entries of the form {'Name of parameter':[*values to replace with*]} :param dict product_iters: Like `chain_iters`, but runs all combinations :param dict co_iters: Runs with several parameters changing simultanously :param dict just_replace: Entries of the form {'Name of parameter':*value to replace with*} :param str filter_func: Which filter function to use. Options are listed as keys in the INPUT_FILE_FILTERS dictionary :param bool use_stdin: send in the content of the filtered input file through stdin rather passing the name of the input file as the first command line argument :param func calc_all: Hook for the parallel decorator, please ignore this argument """ dirs = check_dirs(dirs) input_file = path.abspath(input_file) calc_all = pick_filter_func(filter_func, calc_all) dir_IDs = [] for replacers in replace_iter_gen(product_iters=product_iters, chain_iters=chain_iters, co_iters=co_iters, just_replace=just_replace): dir_ID = calc_all(replacers, dirs, input_file, programs, use_stdin=use_stdin, **kwargs) dir_IDs.append(dir_ID) return dir_IDs
[docs]def execute_lock_par(lock, parallel, *args, **kwargs): """ Convenience function for running execute with a lock and/or in parallel """ execute_here = execute if parallel: execute_here = parallel_wrap(parallel)(execute_here) if lock: execute_here = lock_wrap(lock)(execute_here) return execute_here(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def common_start(chain_iters, just_replace): """ Returns modified `chain_iters` and `just_replace` such that the calculations will start at the first value of each variable in chain_iter """ chain_iters_out = chain_iters.copy() replacers = {} if len(chain_iters_out) > 0: for (key, elem) in chain_iters_out.items(): replacers[key] = elem.pop(0) else: elem.insert(0, replacers[key]) just_replace = just_replace.copy() just_replace.update(replacers) return chain_iters_out, just_replace
class PoolApplyAsyncWrap(object): def __init__(self, pool): self.pool = pool def __call__(self, fun): def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs): import copy for arg in args: print(arg) copy.deepcopy(arg) args = copy.deepcopy(args) kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) ret = self.pool.apply_async(fun, args, kwargs) return ret return wrapped_f @contextmanager def multi_stuff(parallel, kwargs): import multiprocessing import signal def initializer(): """Ignore CTRL+C in the worker process.""" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) number_of_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(number_of_cpus, initializer=initializer) if parallel == 'Calc all': kwargs['calc_all'] = PoolApplyAsyncWrap(pool)(calc_all) elif parallel == 'auto_converge_var': if 'auto_converge_var' in kwargs: kwargs['auto_converge_var'] = PoolApplyAsyncWrap(pool)(kwargs['auto_converge_var']) else: kwargs['auto_converge_var'] = PoolApplyAsyncWrap(pool)(auto_converge_var) try: yield kwargs pool.close() pool.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Caught KeyboardInterrupt, terminating workers") pool.terminate() pool.join() raise import collections def map_nested_dicts(dict_, func): if isinstance(dict_, collections.Mapping): ret = dict((k, map_nested_dicts(v, func)) for k, v in dict_.items()) else: ret = func(dict_) return ret def parallel_wrap(parallel=None): def decorate(fun): @wraps(fun) def call(*args, **kwargs): if parallel is None: converged_parameters = fun(*args, **kwargs) else: with multi_stuff(parallel, kwargs) as kwargs: converged_parameters = fun(*args, **kwargs) if converged_parameters: converged_parameters = list(map(lambda x: x.get(), converged_parameters)) # converged_parameters = map_nested_dicts(converged_parameters, lambda x: x.get()) # converged_parameters = multi_stuff(parallel, fun, args, kwargs) return converged_parameters return call return decorate def lock_wrap(dir_): def decorate(fun): @wraps(fun) def call(*args, **kwargs): import fcntl makedir(dir_) pid_file = path.join(dir_, '') with open(pid_file, 'w') as lock_fp: try: fcntl.lockf(lock_fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: print('Another instance is running') print('Lock file ', pid_file) raise SystemExit try: ret = fun(*args, **kwargs) fcntl.lockf(lock_fp, fcntl.LOCK_UN) finally: fcntl.lockf(lock_fp, fcntl.LOCK_UN) return ret return call return decorate INTERVALS = ( ('weeks', 604800), # 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ('days', 86400), # 60 * 60 * 24 ('hours', 3600), # 60 * 60 ('minutes', 60), ('seconds', 1), ) def display_time(seconds, granularity=2, intervals=INTERVALS): list_ = display_time_list(seconds, granularity=granularity, intervals=intervals) return ', '.join(list_) # result = [] # for name, count in intervals: # value = seconds // count # if value: # seconds -= value * count # if value == 1: # name = name.rstrip('s') # result.append("{0:.0f} {1}".format(value, name)) # return ', '.join(result[:granularity]) def display_time_list(seconds, granularity=2, intervals=INTERVALS): result = [] for name, count in intervals: value = seconds // count if value: seconds -= value * count if value == 1: name = name.rstrip('s') result.append("{0:.0f} {1}".format(value, name)) return result[:granularity]
[docs]def rel_err_rel_var(O1, O2, x1, x2): """ Estimate of relative error `abs(x2/(x2-x1)*(O1-O2)/O2)` """ return abs(x2/(x2-x1)*(O1-O2)/O2)
[docs]class ConvCrit(object): """ Contains information on how to check for convergence. :parameter func data_read: Function which will be executed in the directory in which the programs was run. It should return the observable in terms of which convergence is sought :parameter float eps: Desired precision :parameter func conv_funv: Function that calculates convergence criterion. It should take 4 arguments, `f(O1,O2,x1,x2)`, where `x1` and `x2` are the values of the numerical parameter at the current and previous calculation and `O1` and `O2` are the corresponding observable values """ def __init__(self, data_read, eps = 1.0e-3, conv_func = rel_err_rel_var, itermax=10, common_start=False): self.eps = eps self.conv_func = conv_func self.data_read = data_read self.itermax = itermax self.common_start = common_start
def make_run_string(replacers): replacers = dict((is_it_tuple(key), elem) for key, elem in replacers.items()) return str(replacers) def float_also_array(varvalue): try: varvalue_f = float(varvalue) except TypeError: varvalue_f = varvalue[0] return varvalue_f def auto_converge_var(var_name, var, replacements, dirs, inp_file, programs, conv_crit): data_read = conv_crit.data_read prevdirID = getattr(var, 'dirID', None) yield_diff = 1.0 iteration = 1 if prevdirID is None: iteration = 0 for iteration, varvalue in enumerate(var, start=iteration): replacers = merge_dicts(replacements,{var_name:varvalue}) dirID = calc_all(replacers, dirs, inp_file, programs, print_finish=False) if not prevdirID is None: # print(prevdirID,varvalue_prev,varvalue,data_read(path.join(dirs.local_scratch_base, dirID)) with cwd(path.join(dirs.local_scratch_base, prevdirID)): O1 = data_read() with cwd(path.join(dirs.local_scratch_base, dirID)): O2 = data_read() yield_diff = conv_crit.conv_func(O1,O2, float_also_array(varvalue_prev), float_also_array(varvalue)) try: print('{: <10.10}\t {:.2f}\t {:.2e}\t {}\t {}'.format(var_name[1], varvalue, yield_diff, iteration, dirID)) except ValueError: print('{: <10.10}\t {}\t {:.2e}\t {}\t {}'.format(var_name[1], varvalue, yield_diff, iteration, dirID)) if (abs(yield_diff) < conv_crit.eps): break prevdirID = dirID varvalue_prev = varvalue return {'VarValue': varvalue, 'PrevVarValue': varvalue_prev, 'iteration': iteration+1} def auto_conv_sub(chain_iters,replacers, dirs, inp_file, programs, conv_crit, auto_converge_var): results={} for chain_iter in chain_iters: results[chain_iter] = auto_converge_var(chain_iter, chain_iters[chain_iter], replacers, dirs, inp_file, programs, conv_crit) return results
[docs]def auto_conv(programs, inp_file, dirs, conv_crit, chain_iters, product_iters={}, co_iters={}, just_replace={}, auto_converge_var=auto_converge_var, auto_conv_sub=auto_conv_sub): """ Run programs until converged or chain_iters is exhausted. :param list programs: List of strings with names of programs. Should contain absolute paths. Could alternately contain functions :param str input_file: Input file :param dirs: Base directory in which programs will be run :type dirs: str or :param conv_crit: Object specifying type of convergence :param dict chain_iters: Entries of the form {'Name of parameter':[*values to replace with*]} :param dict product_iters: Like `chain_iters`, but runs all combinations :param dict co_iters: Runs with several parameters changing simultanously :param bool use_stdin: send in the content of the filtered input file through stdin rather passing the name of the input file as the first command line argument """ # :param dict just_replace: Entries of the form {'Name of parameter':*value to replace with*} # :param str filter_func: Which filter function to use. Options are listed as keys in the INPUT_FILE_FILTERS dictionary dirs = check_dirs(dirs) inp_file = path.abspath(inp_file) results = {} for replacers in replace_iter_gen(product_iters=product_iters, co_iters=co_iters, just_replace=just_replace): run_string = make_run_string(replacers) results[run_string] = auto_conv_sub(chain_iters,replacers, dirs, inp_file, programs, conv_crit, auto_converge_var) return results
def intercept_argument(args, kwargs, iarg, name): if len(args)>iarg: ret = args[iarg] else: ret = kwargs.get(name) return ret def reinsert_argument(args, kwargs, iarg, name, argument): if len(args)>iarg: args= args[:iarg] + (argument, ) + args[iarg+1:] else: kwargs[name] = argument return args, kwargs def inject_status(recursion_dict): def decorate(fun): @wraps(fun) def call(*args, **kwargs): chain_iters = intercept_argument(args, kwargs, 0, 'chain_iters') replacements = intercept_argument(args, kwargs, 1, 'replacements') run_string = make_run_string(replacements) this_converged = recursion_dict[run_string].get('This Converged', False) if not this_converged: replacers = recursion_dict[run_string].get('Replacers', {}) if replacers: chain_iters_new = {} for (key,var) in chain_iters.items(): var = var[var.index(replacers[key]):] chain_iters_new[key] = var replacements = merge_dicts(replacements, replacers) args, kwargs = reinsert_argument(args, kwargs, 0, 'chain_iters', chain_iters_new) args, kwargs = reinsert_argument(args, kwargs, 1, 'replacements', replacements) return fun(*args, **kwargs) else: return {} return call return decorate def static_vars(**kwargs): def decorate(func): for k in kwargs: setattr(func, k, kwargs[k]) return func return decorate
[docs]def auto_conv_rerun(fun): """ Decorator for rerunning :func:`auto_conv`, until convergence is achieved in the first two calculations for each parameter. This is useful for cases where parameters are strongly correlated""" @wraps(fun) @static_vars(status={}) def call(*args, **kwargs): converged_parameters = fun(*args, **kwargs) everything_converged=True for run_string in converged_parameters: replacements={} prevvarvalues={} call.status[run_string]=call.status.get(run_string, {}) this_converged = call.status[run_string].get('This Converged', False) if not this_converged: this_converged = True for var_name in converged_parameters[run_string]: replacements[var_name]=converged_parameters[run_string][var_name]['VarValue'] if converged_parameters[run_string][var_name]['iteration']>2: this_converged = False everything_converged = False prevvarvalues[var_name]=converged_parameters[run_string][var_name]['PrevVarValue'] if this_converged: call.status[run_string]['Final replacements'] = replacements call.status[run_string]['This Converged'] = this_converged call.status[run_string]['Replacers'] = prevvarvalues call.status[run_string]['Run no'] = call.status[run_string].get('Run no', 0)+1 import pprint pprint.pprint(call.status) if not everything_converged: auto_conv_handle = inject_status(call.status)(auto_conv_sub) kwargs.update({'auto_conv_sub': auto_conv_handle}) converged_parameters=call(*args, **kwargs) else: converged_parameters=call.status return converged_parameters return call