Analyse API

Get data

Get parameters

runana.input_file_handling.read_input_files_f90nml(patterns=['*.nml'], read_one_file=<function read_and_flatten_namelist>)

Read the all files matching patterns with

The namelists are flattened and supersetted, the resulting dict is returned


Read the all files matching patterns with read_upname_file()

The data from all the files is supersetted and the resulting dict is returned


Read the all files matching patterns with read_positional_file()

The data from all the files is supersetted and the resulting dict is returned


Reads file in upname format

In this format the names of variables are given on a line, with the values on the following line. Each variable/name should be seperated by at least two whitespaces or a tab. Each set of names/values lines should be seperated by at least one blank line


Reads input file

A dictionary is returned, the keys of which are the tuples (iline,iword) with the line and word index of the value. Each variable/name should be seperated by at least two whitespaces, a comma or a tab.

Get other stuff

Analyse with pandas API

This module requires the pandas package

Read numbers API

Matplotlib managers

Context managers for using matplotlib. Use these together with pythons with statement